1Rabbit isolated peritoneal neutrophil polymorphonuclear leucocytes were depleted of calcium by exposure for 1 h to calcium-free bathing fluid at 4°C. 2Addition of calcium ions to the previously calcium-depleted cells during incubation at 37°C stimulated the release of β-glucuronidase and of lysozyme but not of lactate dehydrogenase. 3Low concentrations of indomethacin, flufenamate or salicylate, such as those which occur in the blood plasma after therapeutic doses of these drugs, selectively inhibited the calcium-induced release of β-glucuronidase. The slight release of this enzyme which occurred in the absence of added calcium ions was not altered by these drugs, neither was the release of lactate dehydrogenase. 4Release of lysozyme was inhibited by low concentrations of salicylate, amidopyrine or oxyphen-butazone, independent of the presence or absence of calcium ions. 5Chloroquine, hydrocortisone or colchicine did not alter the release of leucocyte enzymes.