DERMATITIS of the fingers and hands is often a baffling disease with a record of a disconcertingly high percentage of failure in treatment.1 Inasmuch as this etiologically heterogeneous disease constitutes approximately 10 per cent of all cases seen in dermatologic practice,2 methods of treatment which will yield cures consistently are of the greatest utility to physicians and to patients. The presence in both private and clinical practice of a considerable number of patients with dermatitis of the hands, frequently of many years' duration and resistant to previous treatment, stimulated the formulation of views herein presented. Most of the patients in this study had previously sought professional relief, to no avail.3 Some had received irradiation therapy to tolerance. All had received various medicaments to apply to the skin, the composition of which suggested that antipruritic palliation seemed to be prized, and the likelihood of producing additional irritation seemed

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