Studies on the Effect of Tolbutamide on Insulin Secretion

Summary Rate of insulin secretion has been studied in dogs fasted for 24 hours and given an intravenous injection of 1 g sodium tolbutamide in 500 ml saline. Insulin was extracted from pancreatic venous blood and assayed by an in vivo bioassay method. The mean rate of insulin secretion for the 14 control dogs receiving only saline was 1.37 μU/ml/minute, and for the 15 dogs receiving tolbutamide was 1.56 μU/ml/minute. The results thus fail to demonstrate a stimulating effect of tolbutamide on insulin secretion. Administration of glucose, on the other hand, increased the insulin secretion rate in 8 dogs as much as 5 to 10 times that of the saline treated dogs.