Gradient-purified resting B lymphocytes can be polyclonally stimulated by antigen-specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted helper T lymphocytes as well as by antigen-activated helper T-cell supernatant. In contrast to what has been described so far, we show that helper T-cell supernatant (in the absence of any other added stimulus, such as that provided by anti-mu antibodies) is sufficient to induce both proliferation of resting B cells and their differentiation into IgM-secreting cells. The stimulation induced by the helper T-cell supernatant takes place in serum-free medium and is not MHC-restricted. Our findings strongly support the existence of a B-cell activating factor acting on the resting B cell and causing it to enter the G1 phase of the cell cycle in a MHC-unrestricted manner.