In the A0=0 gauge in QED, the Ward-Takahashi identity implies the nonpropagation of the Fermi field ψ. This is shown to be a valid conclusion, both by using functional integration and by perturbation theory. Since Green's functions are gauge dependent, this does not, however, imply the immobility of spin-½ fields. Two types of composite fields are exhibited for which the field ψ is dressed with longitudinal, nonobservable photons. For these fields, no implications about their propagators can be drawn from the Ward-Takahashi identity, which for these fields is trivially zero. It is shown by functional integration and by perturbation theory that these fields can propagate. The first of these fields is effectively in the Coulomb gauge. The second remains in the A0=0 gauge and interacts with the photon field with the usual P(1k02) factor of the A0=0 gauge.