Of the garnet group of minerals, two members only appear to have been synthesized from artificial melts, viz. melanite (L. Michel, 1892) and spessartine (L. Bourgeois, 1883, and A. Gorgeu, 1883); though grossular is once reported by E. S. Shepherd, G. A. Eankin, and F. E. Wright (1909) as being produced by reaction under pressure of calcium orthosilicate and aluminium chloride. In dry melts, pyiope is represented by a cordierite-forsterite-spinel assemblage, but no data are yet available to indicate the dry melt assemblages representing almandine. The home of almandine in sediments is the dynamically metamorphosed pelite, and its widespread regional occurrence in these crystalline schists implies a ready synthesis under the influence of shearing stress.