The Mycoflora of Wood Chips to Be Used as Mulch

One hundred fourteen species of fungi in 82 genera were identified from 2500 wood chips examined. Eight genera of thermophiles, one myxomycete, two of Mycetozoans, nine of Zygomycetes, 13 of Ascomycetes, 51 of Deuteromycetes, and three Basidiomycetes were represented. Species of Trichoderma, Fusarium, Chaetomium. Aspergillus, Rhizopus, and Graphium accounted for 48.6% of the isolates. None of the other species occurred in more than 5% of the wood chips. Trichoderma accounted for nearly one-fifth of all colonies recorded. The thermotolerant Aspergillus fumigatus was very common in both self-heated and ambient temperature piles; since the species is a known respiratory pathogen, it could pose a threat to persons working around mulch piles.

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