Suppression of Microtubule Dynamic Instability by the +TIP Protein EB1 and Its Modulation by the CAP-Gly Domain of p150Glued

The EB1+TIP protein family and its binding partners track growing plus ends of microtubules in cells and are thought to regulate their dynamics. Here we determined the effects of EB1 and the N-terminal CAP-Gly domain (p150n) of one of its major binding partners, p150Glued, both separately and together, on the dynamic instability parameters at plus ends of purified steady-state microtubules. With EB1 alone, the shortening rate, the extent of shortening, and the catastrophe frequency were suppressed in the absence of significant effects on the growth rate or rescue frequency. The effects of EB1 on dynamics were significantly different when p150n was added together with EB1. The rate and extent of shortening and the catastrophe frequency were suppressed 3−4 times more strongly than with EB1 alone. In addition, the EB1−p150n complex increased the rescue frequency and the mean length the microtubules grew, parameters that were not significantly affected by EB1 alone. Similarly, deletion of EB1's C-terminal tail, which is a crucial binding region for p150n, significantly increased the ability of EB1 to suppress shortening dynamics. EB1 by itself bound along the length of the microtubules with 1 mol of EB1 dimer bound per ∼12 mol of tubulin dimer. Approximately twice the amount of EB1 was recruited to the microtubules in the presence of p150n. Our results indicate that inactivation of EB1's flexible C-terminal tail significantly changes EB1's ability to modulate microtubule dynamics. They further suggest that p150Glued may activate and thereby facilitate the recruitment of EB1 to the tips of microtubules to regulate their dynamics.