Cows were subjected to teat dipping in a commercial iodophor germicide twice daily for at least 7 days immediately before calving to assess efficacy of the practice in reducing new intramammary infection at calving. In a cold season and in a warm season, groups of about 35 cows successively calving were treated and were compared with similarly sized and selected control groups. There were no advantages for teat dipped over control cow groups for incidence of new intramammary infections at calving, for new infections that persisted for longer than 14 days after calving, or for new infections that required antibiotic therapy. Incidence of new infection in warm weather (27.3% of quarters) was twice that in cool weather (13.6%). The most frequently isolated pathogens were coagulase-negative staphylococci and Streptococcus uberis. Staphylococcus aureus infections were more likely to persist into the new lactation (83%) than were infections by other pathogens (38 to 57%).