Reanalysis of Full-Length HIV Type 1 Group M Subtype K and Sub-Subtype F2 with an MS-DOS Bootscanning Program

Five new complete HIV-1 group M genome sequences have been published (Triques et al., AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2000;16:139-151). One of these clustered consistently with subtype F sequences, while two others were identified as representatives of a subcluster within the subtype F clade, called F2, and the two remaining sequences were described as a new subtype K. We reanalyzed these sequences by means of bootscanning and phylogeny, using a newly developed MS-DOS bootscanning program. Although our analysis does not contradict the existence of the new subtype K, it also indicates that in some regions the F2 sequences do not cluster with the F1 clade. This suggests that some fragments in the F2 sequences have an uncertain origin, and care should be taken when F2 sequences are used in analyses.