Molecular cloning and characterization of the recA gene from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002

The recA gene of Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002 was detected and cloned from a lambda gtwes genomic library by heterologous hybridization by using a gene-internal fragment of the Escherichia coli recA gene as the probe. The gene encodes a 38-kilodalton polypeptide which is antigenically related to the RecA protein of E. coli. The nucleotide sequence of a portion of the gene was determined. The translation of this region was 55% homologous to the E. coli protein; allowances for conservative amino acid replacements yield a homology value of about 74%. The cyanobacterial recA gene product was proficient in restoring homologous recombination and partial resistance to UV irradiation to recA mutants of E. coli. Heterologous hybridization experiments, in which the Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002 recA gene was used as the probe, indicate that a homologous gene is probably present in all cyanobacterial strains.