Nonfactorization and Color-Suppressed $B \to ψ(ψ(2S))+K(K^*)$ Decays

Using $N_c=3$ value of the parameter $a_2=0.09$ but including a modest nonfactorized amplitude, we show that it is possible to understand all data, including polarization, for color-suppressed $B\to\psi(\psi(2S))+K(K^*) $ decays in all commonly used models of form factors. We show that for $B\to\psi +K$ decay one can define an effective $ a_2$, which is process-dependent and, in general, complex; but it is not possible to define an effective $a_2$ for $B\to\psi +K^* $ decay. We also explain why nonfactorized amplitudes do not play a significant role in color-favored B decays.

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