Athrycia cinerea (Coq.) is a univoltine parasite of bertha armyworm, Mamestra configurata Wlk., on rapeseed in the Prairie Provinces of Canada. Details of the parasite’s seasonal life history are presented. Females oviposit on third, fourth, fifth, and sixth instars of bertha armyworm, and the parasite larvae usually develop gregariously and mature on the fifth and sixth instars. Supernumerary parasite larvae on superparasitized hosts starve; surviving larvae develop more rapidly, form smaller pupae with a lower capacity for survival, and eventually produce a consistently though not significantly smaller percentage of female adults than parasites that develop on non-superparasitized hosts. Larvae of A. cinerea are often killed if they compete with larvae of Banchus flavescens Cress., the only other common parasite of bertha armyworm, and a small percentage of the pupae of A. cinerea are killed by a hyperparasitic ichneumonid, Phygadeuon subfuscus Cress.