Systematics of optimumQvalues in multinucleon transfer reactions induced by heavy ions

The most probable effective Q values, Qeffm, for multinucleon transfer reactions A(a,b)B(Mb<Ma) have been systematically studied on fp-shell nuclei and Zr-Mo isotopes induced by N14 and C12, in the energy range between 60 and 100 MeV. As regards the "quasielastic" part of the bump in the energy spectrum, the dependence of Qeffm on the incident and outgoing channel variables, i.e., A, a, Ei, θ, and n, the number of transferred nucleons, has been extensively investigated. The present data, together with those obtained at higher energies by the Dubna group, show systematic behaviors of Qeffm (i) for a given A(a,b)B and Ei, Qeffm changes little with θlab, (ii) at a given Ei, Qeffm of (a,b) is nearly the same for adjacent A and is not sensitive to their individual nuclear structure, and (iii) the linear relation Qeff=αeffn+βeff holds for n45, whereas the linearity breaks down for larger n. The relation αeff=0.1(EiVci)0.9 MeV holds for a wide range of reactions. The ratio of the most probable effective velocity to the incident velocity νfmνi at the transfer region decreases from about unity to 0.4 - 0.5 as n increases. The differences in reaction mechanisms for smaller n and larger n have been discussed.