Prognosis in small cell carcinoma of the lung – Relationship to human milk fat globule 2 (HMFG2) antigen and other small cell associated antigens

Forty fixed tissue sections from patients with small cell lung carcinoma (SCCL) have been stained with a panel of 10 monoclonal antibodies using a peroxidase anti-peroxidase method and the incidence of staining has been compared to patient characteristics at presentation and to survival. An inverse association between HMFG2 staining and survival was found with median survival in HMFG2 negative patients 13 months compared to 8 months for HMFG2 positive patients. No such association was found with the other antibodies and no association was found between staining and disease extent or primary versus secondary deposits with this panel of antibodies. Epidermal growth factor receptor was detected in 3/38 presentation biopsies and in these 3 patients mean survival was only 5 months. Further prospective study of HMFG2 as a prognostic indicator in SCCL is suggested.