Introversion — Extraversion and Color Preferences

Experimental evidence was sought for F. Birren's claims (Birren, 1956; 1961; 1963) that introverts prefer “cool” (green-blue) colors, while extraverts prefer “warm” (yellow-red) colors. One hundred and twenty Middle-East Introvert, Normal, and Extravert subjects, classified in accordance with the scores obtained on MPI, with equal number of males and females in each group, expressed their preferences for eight Ostwald hues (R, O, Y, YG, G, GB, B, & P) using the method of paired comparisons. The findings were at variance with the above-mentioned claims in that nearly all the personality groups preferred “cool” colors to the “warm”, but there was a tendency for Introverts to prefer more “cool” colors and for Extraverts more “warm” colors.

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