UV and chemical mutagenesis in rev7 mutants of yeast

We have examined induced mutagenesis in rev7-1 mutants of Baker's yeast' Saccharomyces cerevisiae, using a variety of contrasting test systems and several different mutagens. UV-induced reversion frequencies of the ochre allele arg4-17, the putative missense allele ilv1-92 and the frameshift allele his4-38 were 10 to 200 fold lower in haploid and diploid rev7-1 mutants compared with wild type strains, but UV-induced reversion frequencies of the frameshift allele leu2-3 and the proline missense allele cyc1-115 were reduced only a few fold. Ilv1-92 reversion frequencies induced by methyl methane sulfonate or by N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine were 10 to 20 times lower in rev7-1 mutants, but normal frequencies of these revertants were induced with ethyl methane sulfonate, even though rev7-1 strains are slightly sensitive to this mutagen as well as to the others tested. We conclude that the rev7 mutants, like the rev3 mutants they closely resemble, have a substantial but not total deficiency concerning induced mutagenesis.