Factors in Adolescent Drinking/Driving: Binge Drinking, Cigarette Smoking, and Gender

During three consecutive years, 3,137 high school seniors from three graduating classes in one Michigan county were surveyed. The primarily White sample reported their use of alcohol and cigarettes, driving experience, and drinking/driving experience. Survey data were linked with state driver history records. Fully one‐third of the high school seniors reported driving after drinking in the past six months. To identify factors associated with self‐reported drinking/driving, correlation and regression analyses were conducted. Frequent binge drinking and riding with a drinking driver were consistent factors in driving after drinking frequency. Being male, smoking cigarettes, having frequent use of a motor vehicle, having a driving offense on record, and number of years licensed were important correlates, varying by year of graduation. Comprehensive interventions to moderate drinking, smoking, and driving after drinking are needed.