Anti-Complementary and Hypoglycemic Activities of the Glycans from the Seeds ofMalva verticillata

Seven polysaccharides and peptidoglycans obtained from the seeds ofMalva verticillata were tested for anti-complementary activity. Remarkable activities were observed for MVS-I and MVS-IIA. The former is mainly composed of β-1,3-linked D-glucan and of α-1,5-linked L-arabino-β-3,6-branched D-galactan, and the latter is essentially α-1,5-linkedL-arabino-β-3,6-branched D-galactan. Further, considerable activities were observed for MVS-IIIA and MVS-IVA. Both glycans possess arabino-3,6-galactan moieties accompanying α-1,3-linked L-arabinopyranosyl, β-1,4-linked D-xylosyl, and α-1,4-linked D-galacturonic acid units. In addition, the major neutral polysaccharide (MVS-I), the major peptidoglycan (MVS-V), and the polysaccharide-rich fraction (MVS-V-CH) obtained from MVS-V were tested for hypoglycemic activity. MVS-I especially showed remarkable activity, and MVS-V-CH also exhibited significant activity. From the viewpoint of structural features, the latter belongs to pectic substances.