Relationship between Flow Cytometric Features and Clinical Behavior of Meningiomas

Meningiomas have a wide range of biological potential and clinical behavior. Histological findings are helpful in recognizing the malignant potential of a given tumor, but often fail to correlate with gross features, liability of recurrence, and extent of associated cerebral edema. To find alternate approaches to improve the correlation between biological and clinical behavior, 20 meningiomas were studied by flow cytometry (FC), an assessment that has been applied to meningiomas previously. Such FC features as DNA index (DI) and proliferative index (PI, %G2 † %S) were correlated with size, location, brain invasion, associated edema, and recurrence. Tumors with severe edema had significantly higher PIs (19.5 ± 4.1) than those with moderate (12.6 ± 4.5) or minimal (8 ± 0) edema (P < 0.05). The PI was greater than 16 in those tumors that recurred (n = 3) or invaded the brain (n = 3). Six tumors were aneuploid (DI, 1.33 ± 0.17; PI, 17.1 ± 5.3). These were uniformly large when compared with the diploid tumors, which were more variable in size. All of the aneuploid tumors were associated with moderate to severe cerebral edema. Two partly psammomatous tumors with high PIs and foci of high cellularity suggesting recent growth were associated with severe edema. One of these exhibited brain invasion. These preliminary data indicate that FC may have a potential use in the clinical management of meningiomas.