Recombination of ground-state halogen atoms. Part 1.—Radiative recombination of chlorine atoms

Both 1Σ+ g ground state and 3Πou+ excited state Cl2 molecules were formed during recombination of ground state Cl 2P atoms in a discharge flow system using total pressures near 1 torr of Ar or Cl2 as a third body, and in the temperature range 298 < T < 430°K. Under these conditions, the intensity of red and near infra-red emission from the excited state (3Πou+1Σ+ g) was not simply proportional to [Cl]2, as had been supposed, but had a more complex dependence on [Cl] and third-body concentration [M]. The rate-determining steps involving Cl2(3Π+ ou) include vibrational quenching although not electronic quenching by M, and a rapid exchange reaction (4): Cl(2 P)+ Cl(2 P)+ M→Cl2(3Πou+)+ M (1), Cl2(3Πou+)→Cl2(1Σ+ g)+hv(λ > 5000 Å)(2), Cl(2 P)+ Cl2(3Πou+)→Cl2(non-radiative)+ Cl(2 P). (4)