Billions of dollars in potential economic benefits, hundreds of thousands of jobs, and countless recreational opportunities can be gained by correcting problems of overutilization, overcapitalization, and resource depletion. The long-term potential yield from U.S. fisheries is approximately 50% higher than the recent average yield. To achieve the long-term potential, overutilization of 28% of U.S. fishery resources must be corrected, and use of 12% of stocks must be increased. The current status of 28% of the stocks should be maintained, while the status of 34% is unknown. Despite serious fisheries problems in the United States and worldwide, there are reasons for optimism. The causes of the problems are well known (i.e., uncontrolled access to fisheries resources, uncertain scientific information, and risk-prone fisheries management decisions), and there is broad support for solutions by the public, Congress, National Marine Fisheries Service, and the fishing industry and recreational anglers. A...