Study ofK−-Meson Decay Properties Using Dalitz Pairs forπ0Detection

A sample of about 5000 K decays in flight, each accompanied by a Dalitz pair, has been observed in a hydrogen bubble chamber. These events consist of 3564 ± (3.1%) Kπ2 events, 786 ± (4.6%) Ke3 events, 554 ± (7.6%) Kμ3 events, and 574 ± (5.9%) τ events. Ratios among these numbers give results in agreement with accepted K+ branching ratios. The separation of the events has involved a sophisticated Monte Carlo program, ionization, kinematics of the K decay, and kinematics of the Dalitz decay. The π energy spectrum of the τ decays may be written as: (phasespace)×[1+(2AMπ2)(s3s0)], where si is the square of the 4-momentum transfer to particle i, s0=13(s1+s2+s3), and A is a slope to be determined. We find A=0.242±0.042.

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