A strong association between the antinuclear antibody anti-La (SS-B) and the kappa chain allotype Km(1)

The distribution of immunoglobulin allotypes of the Gm and Km systems was examined in 51 patients with antinuclear antibodies (ANA), which reacted with two saline-extractable non-DNA nuclear antigens, anti-La (SS-B) and anti-RNP, which characterize certain multisystem autoimmune diseases. Forty-six percent of the 26 patients with anti-La were positive for the Km(1) allotype compared with 14% of the 35 with anti-RNP and 16% of 1204 of healthy subjects (corrected P value < 0.005). The high frequencies of the Km(1) allotype (46%), female sex (100%), and the HLA-B8, DR3 phenotype (> 90%) in patients with anti-La are indicative of a substantial inherited predisposition to the development or expression of this autoantibody. The strong association between the Km(1) allotype and the anti-La response may be due to linkage disequilibrium between genes coding for the constant region of immunoglobulin kappa light chains and genes coding for the variable regions of kappa light chains which confer antibody specificity for the special configuration of the ribonucleoprotein known as La.