The descriptive epidemiology of tinea pedis in the community

SUMMARY: Tinea pedis is a common inflammatory skin condition due to infection by dermatophyte fungi. A number of epidemiological studies have been completed on the frequency of tinea pedis in the community, particularly sporting and occupational groups and schools. Most studies have focused on small, high‐risk populations. These include occupational groups involving manual labour, sporting groups such as swimmers, and those working or living in confined conditions with shared washing facilities, which favour the opportunity for crossinfection.Most studies show that the frequency of tinea pedis is higher in males than females. Tinea pedis infections appear to be least common among children, but do occur, and are commonly misdiagnosed.The difference between clinical disease and confirmed diagnosis by culture is not always clear when statistics of disease frequency have been presented. Clear diagnostic criteria indicating the level of mycologically confirmed diagnosis should be reported in future studies that include statistics on disease frequency. Future epidemiological studies should also aim to be population‐based in order to obtain a more complete picture of disease frequency.