The ILtat 1.4 surface antigen gene family ofTrypanosma brucei

The cDNA sequence for the variable surface glycoprotein (VSG) expressed in Trypanosoma brucei clone ILtat 1.4 (calld clone D for brevity) hybridizes strongly to three regions in trypanosome genomic DNA. These three regions were extensively characterized by Southern hybridization analyses, genomic DNA cloning and DNA sequence determinations. All three regions occur in the genomes of all trypanosome clones of the ILTAR 1 repertoire regardless of whether or not VSG D was being expressed. Extensive (clone dependent) DNA rearrangements and a (clone independent) double strand DNA break were found distal to the 3′–end of the VSG D coding sequence of one of the regions. VSG D mRNA is most likely synthesized from this region, but a recombinant DNA clone of the VSG coding sequence could not be obtained for confirmation. Recombinant clones of the other two regions were obtained. DNA sequence analyses revealed that their coding sequences differ from each other by 17%. They differ from the ILtat 1.4 cDNA sequence by 4% in one case, and 13% in the other. By analogy with another VSG gene system, one of these two regions may have originally given rise to the third region from which the mRNA is probably transcribed.