Intersegmental coordination of the leech swimming rhythm. I. Roles of cycle period gradient and coupling strength

The isolated leech nervous system generates a metachronally coordinated rhythmic output that is the neuronal correlate of swimming activity. We investigated two factors that contribute to intersegmental coordination: the swim-cycle periods expressed by segmental ganglia and the strength of neuronal coupling between ganglia. To determine the regional variation in swim-cycle periods, we severed both of the lateral intersegmental connectives. We left intact the median connective, which conveys tonic excitation but little phasic information. We obtained a reduction in intersegmental coupling strength by severing a single lateral intersegmental connective. Cycle periods were manipulated by cooling restricted sections of the nerve cord. Our experiments revealed an anterior-posterior gradient of cycle periods in ganglia of the isolated nerve cord; that is, chains of ganglia obtained from the anterior nerve cord exhibited longer cycle periods than those obtained from the posterior end of the cord. This gradient extends posteriorly to approximately ganglion 12 and may reverse posterior to ganglion 13. Increasing local cycle periods by cooling restricted sections of the nerve cord caused delay in activity cycles in the cooled ganglia, relative to the cycles of ganglia at the control temperature. This finding demonstrates that the observed gradient in cycle period provides for smaller intersegmental phase lags than would occur if there were no period gradients. Reduction of coupling strength by severing a lateral connective led to altered phase relationships across the lesion, both at the motor and oscillator levels. For those ganglion chains in which the anterior ganglia had greater periods, the reduced coupling led to reduced or even reversed phase relationships across the lesion but left unchanged the phase lag between the ends of the chain. In contrast, reduced coupling between halves of a chain in which the posterior ganglia had greater cycle periods led to increased phase lags across the lesion and between the ends. These altered phase relationships arise from a relative increase in the contribution of period differences when coupling strength is decreased. We conclude that the anterior-to-posterior progression of neuronal activity in the isolated leech nerve cord during swimming activity is provided by the intersegmental coupling signals. Furthermore, the period gradient expressed in our preparations acts to provide for smaller phase lags than would be generated by these coupling signals in the absence of such a gradient.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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