Skunk Rabies

In North America, the number of cases of rabies diagnosed in skunks generally exceeds that in either raccoons or foxes. Enzootic skunk rabies occurs mainly in four geographic regions: (1) southern Ontario and Quebec and upper New York State; (2) the north central United States and the Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta; (3) California; and (4) south central United States (Texas and several adjacent states). Rabies in these areas (in skunks and, to a large extent, in other terrestrial mammals) is caused mainly by three street virus variants, as determined by monoclonal antibody testing (one variant for areas 2 and 3 and separate variants for each of areas 1 and 4). Experimental studies suggest that the species specificity (e.g., raccoon vs. skunk) of enzootic rabies is due, at least partly, to differences in the pathogenicity of variants of rabies virus.