Different macrophage subsets can be discriminated in the well defined compartments of the mouse spleen by specialized functions and the presence of specific surface determinants. Red pulp macrophages, marginal zone macrophages, and marginal metallophilic macrophages are eliminated simultaneously within 24 hr by a single injection with liposome-entrapped dichloromethylene diphosphonate (DMDP). After such elimination, these subsets show a striking difference in their kinetics of reappearance: Red pulp macrophages are back in normal numbers after 1 week, the marginal metallophilic macrophages take 2 weeks to regain fully their position at the border of the marginal zone and periarteriolar lymphocyte sheath, but it takes over 1 month for complete reappearance of the marginal zone macrophages. Marginal zone lymphocytes, also affected by treatment with the liposome-entrapped drug, reappeared in the marginal zone within 2 weeks, indicating that marginal zone macrophages are not required for their localization and/or retention there. Approximately 2 weeks after treatment, all cells in the spleen have returned to normal numbers with the exception of marginal zone macrophages, which can be found only sporadically at that time. The results indicate that these macrophage subpopulations must have different precursor requirements. The differential reappearance of the macrophages creates the possibility of studying lineage analysis and will help to unravel the precise function of the marginal zone macrophages and marginal metallophilic macrophages in particular.