Human Vibrio fetus Infection

VIBRIO FETUS is a common cause of infection in certain animal species, but its role as the etiologic agent of human infection has been documented in only 34 cases. From these cases no definitive clinical pattern has emerged. The organism has been implicated as a cause of abortion in gravid women, of meningitis in the newborn, and of a variety of disease states in men. No instance of infection occurring in the childhood age period has been reported. The purpose of this paper is to report two additional cases of human V fetus infection, one of which occurred in a 2½-year-old child. Report of Cases Case 1.—An infant was admitted on Feb 26, 1965, to the Doernbecher Memorial Hospital for Children at 15 hours of age because of progressive respiratory distress. The patient was born to a 32-year-old, gravida 7, para 4, abortus 3, premature 3 woman. Pregnancy was complicated