Candidate rotavirus vaccines have been prepared with reassortant strains specifically to protect against the 4 major rotavirus G serotypes (Gl-4). Many studies using P (VP4) genotyping methods have indicated that, worldwide, rotavirus strains of the 4 common G serotypes are each associated with 1 P genotype: Gt, G3, and G4 are associated with P[8], and G2 is associated with P[4]. In contrast, G and P genotyping of rotavirus in specimens from India revealed that a high percentage of the childhood diarrhea strains belong to genotype P[6], and the most common strain had an unusual G serotype, G9. Similarly, in all regions surveyed in Brazil, apparent reassortants of genotype P[8], G5 were found in children with gastroenteritis. These studies indicate that while rotavirus strains have limited diversity in many settings, reassortment between common and uncommon serotypes or animal strains can arise in some settings and, thus, lead to unusual diversity.