Phylogeny of the genusAzospirillumbased on 16S rDNA sequence

The 16S rDNA of 17 strains of Azospirillum, 14 assigned to one of the known species A. amazonense A. brasilense A. halopraeferens A. irakense and A. lipoferum, and the other three of uncertain taxonomic position, was sequenced after polymerase chain reaction amplification and analysed in order to investigate the phylogenetic relationships at the intra-generic and super-generic level. The phylogenetic analysis confirms that the genus Azospirillum constitutes a phylogenetically separate entity within the a subclass of Proteobacteria and that the five species are well defined. A. brasilense and A. lipoferum are closely related species and form one cluster together with A. halopraeferens; the pair of species A. amazonense and A. irakense forms a second cluster in which Rhodospirillum centenum is also placed.

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