Fallout samples were collected from 2600 feet to 19,000 feet from ground zero in order to determine the mass per unit area, gamma activity per unit area, particle size distribution, and specific activity versus particle size of the fallout; to determine the gamma decay rate and spectra of the samples; to perform leaching and exchange studies on the radioactive debris; to measure the release of gaseous fission product iodine; and to determine the radiochemical composition of the fallout particulate. Twenty collectors (2 ft x 2 ft x 2 in. deep) were placed in the downwind sector at increasing distances. An iodine gas sampler was located approximately two miles downwind. The fallout was well distributed over the station array, and all collectors received significant deposits. Analysis of the debris was performed at the Nevada Test Site. Airborne iodine fission products were found in the contanainated field downwind from ground zero, and iodine fission products were fcund to volatilize or be otherwise released from particulate fallout. Gamma-decay measurements showed no evidence of radionuclide fractionation in debris from different locations, nor among different particle size fractions. Pulseheight distributions also indicated no significant fractionation of gamma-emitting radionuclides. A 4- pi ionization chamber decay ratemore » measurement showed excellent agreement with a computed decay rate. Measurements of mass and activity distributions indicate that the radionuclides are associated with the volume of the particle rather than with its surface area. Radiochemical data are presented, but extensive analysis was not attempted. (auth)« less

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