Optical Systems for in Vivo Molecular Imaging of Cancer

Progress toward a molecular characterization of cancer would have important clinical benefits; thus, there is an important need to image the molecular features of cancer in vivo. In this paper, we describe a comprehensive strategy to develop inexpensive, rugged and portable optical imaging systems for molecular imaging of cancer, which couples the development of optically active contrast agents with advances in functional genomics of cancer. We describe initial results obtained using optically active contrast agents to image the expression of three well known molecular signatures of neoplasia: including over expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), matrix metallo-proteases (MMPs), and oncoproteins associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. At the same time, we are developing inexpensive, portable optical systems to image the morphologic and molecular signatures of neoplasia noninvasively in real time. These real-time, portable, inexpensive systems can provide tools to characterize the molecular features of cancer in vivo.