First observation of the Coulomb-excited double giant dipole resonance inPb208via double-γ decay

The photon decay of the relativistic Coulomb excitation of the single and double giant dipole resonance (GDR) in the target has been observed in the system 1A GeV Bi209 on Pb208. For peripheral events which are dominated by relativistic Coulomb excitation, a large Lorentzian structure in the photon energy spectrum is peaked at 13.3±0.1 MeV with a width of 4.1±0.1 MeV, corresponding to the single GDR in the Pb208 target. The sum energy of coincident γ-γ pairs shows a broad feature at 25.6±0.9 MeV with a Lorentzian width of 5.8±1.1 MeV, which we assign to the double GDR observed via the two-γ decay channel.