Rat cerebral microvascular smooth muscle cells in culture

This report describes the development and establishment of long-term serial cultures of adult rat vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) derived from cerebrocortical resistance vessels (small arteries and arterioles). Electron microscopic examination of microvessels isolated off a 150 μm nylon mesh sieve clearly demonstrated the predominance of these vessel types. Initial outgrowth from collagenase-elastase-lreated microvessel fragments yielded both endothelium and smooth muscle cells. However, at confluency (2–3 weeks) these cultures consisted of a homogeneous population of broad, polygonal cells that grew in a multilayered “hill and valley” pattern typical of SMC in vitro. For comparative morphological and functional studies, SMC cultures were also initiated from rat thoracic aortas utilizing ring segments as explants. The smooth muscle origin of cultures derived from both resistance vessel (RV) and aorta (RA) was further demonstrated by positive immunofluorescent staining by the specific smooth muscle α-actin and myosin antibodies. Ultrastructural examination of these SMC cultures revealed similar morphologic features consisting of typical cytoplasmic myofilament bundles with associated dense bodies and numerous pinocytotic vesicles. Cell growth studies on early ( < P15)- and late ( > P15)-passage RV- and RA-SMC populations revealed markedly different cell growth responses. Representative growth curves of early- and late-passage RA-SMC showed a significantly higher growth rate (two- to fourfold) than RV-SMC cultures. Both cultures, however, exhibited a marked increase in growth potential at higher passage levels. Heparin, at a concentration of 100 μg/ml inhibited the growth of RV-SMC during the first 3 days after addition in both exponential and growth-arrested culture states, whereas RA-SMC cultures showed no inhibitory response. These studies indicate that long-term RV-SMC cultures can serve as a useful model system to study functional and metabolic properties of this cell type and provide the means to explore further the heterogeneity of SMC derived from different vasculatures in normal as well as various disease states.