Synthesis of atrans-synthymine dimer building block. Solid phase synthesis of CGTAT[t,s]TATGC

The synthesis of a building block for the sequence specific introduction of the trans-syn thymine dimer into oligonucleotides via solid phase DNA synthesis technology is described. CGTAT[t,s]TATGC was synthesized in 48% overall yield by a partially automated procedure. The stepwise coupling yield for addition of the trans-syn thymine dlmer building block was 58%. The dimer containing oligonucleotlde was characterized by 500 MHz 1H COSY and NOESY spectroscopy and 202.5 MHz 31P NMR. The 1H chemical shifts for the trans-syn thymine dimer unit of the decamer were found to be quite similar to those found for the trans-syn thymine dimer of TpT. Upon photolysis at 254 tin, CGTAT[t,s]TATGC was converted to a major product which coeluted with authentic CGTATTATGC and a minor product which coeluted with authentic CGTAT[c,s]TATGC, further supporting the presence of an intact trans-syn thymine dimer unit.