Genetic variation at 24 enzyme loci was studied for 10 IUFRO populations of Sitka spruce (Piceasitchensis (Bong.) Carr.). The average proportion of polymorphic loci per population was 0.51 ± 0.02 and the average proportion of heterozygous loci per individual was 0.15 ± 0.03. The following generalizations were advanced: (1) the amount of genetic polymorphism varied considerably from locus to locus; (2) many populations were similar in the amount and pattern of genetic variation for most loci; (3) but some loci had large differences among populations.Eight percent of the gene diversity was attributed to interpopulation differentiation; 92% of the total gene diversity resided within populations. Pairwise comparisons of genetic distances averaged 0.014, a value which reflected very little differentiation between geographic sources.