Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of A Novel Poly ?-Methylstyrene Analogue

Employing the conventional second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) chromophore such as nitrostilbene derivative, we synthesized a polymer composed of poly α-methylstyrene structure. New α-methylstyrene polymer containing piperazyl nitrostilbene in the side chain was designed and synthesized in an attempt to enhance both the electro-optic coefficient, r33 and its temporal stability. The polymer showed the high glass transition temperature (Tg) implying better temporal stability of the secondorder NLO property. This polymer film was corona-poled under 3.5–5 kV at the temperature which was either close to the Tg or higher than that. The electro-optic coefficient of this polymer was measured to be 23–28pm/V at 632.8 nm of He-Ne laser.