Topography of cones and rods in the tree shrew retina

The topographical distribution of cones and rods in the tree shrew retina was analysed quantitatively in whole‐mounted retinae and horizontal semithin sections stained with cresyl violet or toluidine blue. The outer nuclear layer consists of a single layer of photoreceptor nuclei with the rod nuclei slightly displaced towards the outer plexiform layer. This facilitated quantification of the photoreceptor populations. The density of cones ranges from 12,000/mm2 in the peripheral retina to a maximum of 36,000/mm2 in the inferior retina. Unlike ganglion cell density, the density of cones does not peak in the temporal retina. Rod density, between 500/mm2 and 3,500/mm2, also peaks in the inferior retina, but not in the same region as cone density. Rods constitute from 1 to 14% of the photoreceptor population, depending on retinal location, and have a local minimum at the central area. Amongst the cones a regularly arrayed subpopulation of presumed blue‐sensitive cones is distinguished by its special staining properties. These cones constitute between 4 and 10% of the cone population depending on retinal location. A second, irregularly spaced, subpopulation of possibly pathological cones is also described.