Sixty cultivars and 23 lines of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) from 17 countries were compared with ‘Grasslands Kahu’ timothy in one to four trials for relative productivity, type and density, time of heading, and disease susceptibility. On average the production of most types was only 60–80% that of Kahu, although some cultivars (S.51, S.352, Pecora, Intenso, Combi, and Oakmere) had productivities greater than 85% that of Kahu.The cultivars Special Leafy, Manitanoe, Engmo, Vagones, and Maris Paviour gave consistently poor performances, with productivities less than 60% that of Kahu. As a general trend winter growth was lower than that for other seasons. Based on growth habit most cultivars and lines were hay or hay-pasture types. Some pasture types were, however, among the most productive. Lines and cultivars from overseas were predominantly early heading, although those from Netherlands were later heading types. A high incidence of rust was noted on some cultivars and lines from Germany, France, Canada, and Portugal. Six other Phleum species were also examined: P. bertolonii DC. was best, with a productivity of only 50% that of Kahu.