Area 3a in the cat II. Projections to the motor cortex and their relations to other corticocortical connections

It is well known that area 3a in the cat may monosynaptically influence the activity of neurons in the motor cortex. Much less information is available, however, on the anatomy of these connections. By using single or combined injections of different retrograde axonal tracers, we investigated the topography (horizontal and laminar) of area 3a neurons projecting to the motor cortex, and the anatomical relationships between these neurons and those projecting to other areas (2, 5, and SII) which, in turn, project to the motor cortex. Area 3a projects to all parts of area 4γ, to area 4δ, and to the agranular area 6 in the lateral bank of the presylvian sulcus (area 6aγ), but not to other parts of areas 4 and 6. This projection exhibits a loose topographic organization along the mediolateral dimension of area 3a, and, in many cases, arises predominantly from the rostral half of this area. Although single small injections in the motor cortex produced two or more separate patches of retrograde labeling in 3a, after simultaneous injections of fluorochromes in two separate loci there often appeared in area 3a overlapping populations of neurons which were labeled retrogradely by each of the dyes, but with very few double‐labeled neurons. In horseradish peroxidase (HRP) cases, 72% of area 3a neurons projecting to area 4γ were distributed in supragranular layers (mainly layer III), although the proportion of labeling in infragranular layers was larger when using fluorescent dyes. Double‐labeled cells predominated in infragranular layers. These results have a bearing upon the functional roles that have been attributed to area 3a, as a cortical locus involved in muscle sensation, and a cortical relay to the motor cortex of rapid feedback information from muscle activity during movement.

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