Clear cell carcinoma of the ovary.Light and electron microscopic studies

Twelve cases of ovarian clear cell carcinoma were studied histologically. Four cases were examined electron microscopically and compared with other conditions. Five tumors were directly connected with ovarian endometriosis. They were histologically classified into a tubular type with hobnail cells and a solid type without tubular pattern or hobnail cells. Electron microscopic figures of the tumor cells are identical having large nuclei, abundant glycogen, lamellated RER, few lipid droplets, and sparse but well-developed microvilli. The basophilic dark cells frequently encountered in the tubular type are morphologically quite similar to clear cells excepting for sparsity of glycogen and lipid droplets. Alveolar arrangement of 6 to 10 tubular structures (honeycomb structure) resembling alveolate structure seen in late secretory endometrium was found in tumor cells of one case. Ultrastructural feature of clear cell carcinoma closely resemble those of Arias-Stella endometrium and clear cell carcinoma of endocervix suggesting their Muellerian origin. Cancer 40:3019-3029, 1977.