Acclimation of Photosynthate Partitioning and Photosynthetic Rates to Changes in Length of the Daily Photosynthetic Period

Pangola, soya bean and spinach plants were grown in long and short day photosynthetic periods. Reciprocal shifts between long and short day grown plants were made to study acclimation in the rate of leaf starch synthesis with change in daylength. The rate of leaf starch accumulation is a function of the length of the daily photosynthetic period. Acclimation, that is a change in partitioning with a change in length of the photosynthetic period, occurs in a variety of species. Acclimation in the rate of starch accumulation occurs rapidly in pangola and is apparently complete the day after a change in length of the daily photosynthetic period. Soya bean and spinach leaves require a few days in the new environment for an acclimation to occur.