Electronic structure off-shell metals

Free-electron theory to first order in an empty-core pseudopotential, with radius determined spectroscopically, is found to predict successfully equilibrium spacings and bulk moduli for the rare-earth metals. This provides also a simple two-body interaction, second order in the same pseudopotential, for calculating other elastic and vibrational properties. For the light actinides a tight-binding f-band theory is formulated, leading to interatomic matrix elements of the form Vffm=ηffm2rf5md7. Coefficients ηffm are derived and rf values fit for the light actinides. Spin-orbit coupling is included and a bandwidth obtained from a second-moment analysis to be used with the Friedel model for the density of states in the calculation of energetics. It is found necessary to include also the next-order correction to the interatomic interactions, a repulsion proportional to 2rf10md12 which, though small, is significant for the bulk modulus. With the use of pseudopotential core radii fit to the equilibrium spacing, the bulk moduli and thermal-expansion coefficients are predicted. All contributions can be written as two-body interactions, but adjustment is needed before using them to calculate properties. Inclusion of intra-atomic exchange fails to predict localization for americium.