Observability of Quasiparticle-Pair Interference Current in Superconducting Weak Links

Calculations of static I0V0 curves, and of the heights of steps induced by rf radiation, have been carried out for current-biased Josephson junctions with both a phase-independent quasiparticle conductance G0 and a phase-dependent quasiparticle pair "interference" conductance G1cosφ. Little or no effect of the term in G1cosφ is found for junctions with zero capacitance. It thus appears that this term can be neglected in many practical applications of weak links. Substantial effects are found for the case of finite junction capacitance. The term in G1cosφ then enhances the hysteresis of the static I0V0 curve by an amount which roughly corresponds to a factor of 2-5 increase in capacitance, and causes the static voltage to increase above the value expected from the shunt conductance alone. The most easily observable effect of the term in G1cosφ on the rf-induced step heights is a pronounced shift in the values of rf current for which maxima occur for low values of normalized rf frequency.