Effect of Gamma Radiation on certain Microbial and Chemical Propertics of Two Soil Types

Studios on the changes in the microbiological and chemical properties of red and black soils due to varying doses of gamma-irradiation indicated that complete eradication of micro- organisms was possible at 1500 kr and 2000 kr for rod and black soils, respectively: fungi were eliminated at 250kr to 1000 kr, actinomycetes at 1500kr and bacteria at 1000 to 2000kr indicating differential radio-sensitivity of the microbes present in the two soils. A marked decrease in organic carbon content, an increase in available N, marginal incr- ease in available P and a decrease in available K of both the soils due to gamme-radiation were recorded. The soil pH was lowered slightly in the red soil whereas no such change was observed in the black soil by the gamma-radiation. Autoclaving resulted in more significant changes in the above characteristics of both the soils than due to gamma radiation.

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