In 1910, Werther1 first described and reported an unusual cutaneous manifestation (fig. 1) to which he gave the name "dermatitis nodularis necrotica." Since that time, there have appeared reports of only four other cases presenting an identical clinical picture. During the past three years, such a case has been under observation at the University Hospital, and therefore it was deemed advisable to add a detailed description of this case to the existing literature. Werther's1 case had been under his observation for eleven years. The patient, a man, presented a chronic and recurrent eruption which was symmetrically placed, and was most marked about the dorsa of the hands and feet, the knees and elbows, the penis and the ears. The eruption consisted of bluish-black papules, averaging in size that of a cherry pit, bluish-red plaques, vesicles filled with blood or blood and pus and ulcers as large as a

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