Parametric analysis of dynamic postural responses

A detailed theoretical understanding of postural control mechanisms must be preceded by careful quantification of both the deterministic and stochastic aspects of postural behavior of normal and abnormal subjects under various dynamic conditions. Toward this end, concise parametric transfer function plus noise models were derived for both shoulder and waist position data obtained by applying a linear anteriorposterior bandlimited pseudorandom disturbance to the base of support of human subjects. Model orders as well as model parameters were determined empirically. One advantage of this modeling procedure is the conciseness of the postural models, permitting easy statistical analysis of the data obtained under different dynamic conditions from many subjects. Model features, including pole and zero locations, from 6 normal subjects each tested on 5 consecutive days under 3 input amplitudes and eyes open and closed conditions are presented. The resulting transfer function models consist of only 1 or 2 poles near the integration position on the Z plane unit circle and 0 to 2 zeros. Locations of the poles indicate that the eyes closed responses are more oscillatory, less damped, and with higher gains than the eyes open responses. These transfer functions are similar to nonparametric ones of other authors. The noise model orders are also small. Their spectra are those of low pass systems. Also, the quantity and frequency range of the postural noise is positively related to the amplitude of platform motion as well as related to the presence or absence of vision.