Nuclear Electric Monopole Transition inCa42

The 0+ assignment to the 1.836-Mev, second-excited state in Ca42 has been confirmed by the observation of electric monopole electron-positron pairs and internal conversion electrons corresponding to the cross over transition to the ground state. The shape of the continuous positron spectrum from the E0 pairs, as well as the ratio R=9.0±1.8 of pairs to E0 conversion electrons are consistent with theoretical predictions for an E0 transition. 0.305-Mev internal conversion electrons were observed corresponding to the transition between the 1.836-Mev and the 2+, 1.523-Mev, first excited state. The ratio of 1.836-Mev to 0.305-Mev electron yields is 1.03±0.10. From these and other data the monopole strength parameter ρ was determined to be 0.41.

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